Read part 1 and part 2. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Transform yourself beyond all definitions.
We were only 13m away from their feet when they knocked down each other. What else would you expect? I was blown away the exact moment my fists touched that bitch’s (I mean Trinity’s) eyelashes. When I hit the trembling ground I didn’t hit with the mere 54kg of my physical weight. I’m not eh only one fighting. There is a whole lot going on this beleaguered heaven. Everything is correlated. Destiny is a dynamic experience. And on the top of that it’s-F**K- I just escaped from this. I’m not gonna accept it. I’m gonna hit this bitch and break her limbs.
got up and hit her really hard. But after few kicks and punches, my offensivity
was going down. The very sight of her motivated face reflected my actions. The
seven 46m mechas fighting around us was constantly reminding me of the
universal connection of everything. There are no isolated systems. Everything
is correlated; causing the whole and caused by the whole. This didn’t make my
body go numb. But my mind certainly became numb.
giant foot which came between us separated us. A spaceship came and started
using its Railcannons. I was surrounded by destruction. It all looked like a
curse of god. But I knew hell a lot more than what meets the eye. I ran saving
myself from the Railgun ammo and the giant feet of the mechas. I was becoming
more and more of what I intended to create in the first place. A GZ-1593 model
mecha crumbled at my feet, completely destroyed. I could see the struggle of
the pilot to survive. I saw his agony. Not just that; I saw everything. I was
looking at all the stats around me. I had this finely detailed report of the
chaos around me. It was all so clear and heart penetrating. But it made me
realize that ignorance is bliss.
These high-tech weapons
of destruction people have built through such an effort, the reasons and
motivation behind each soldier’s struggle, all the stats about the ammo, guns,
mechas……I could just see all of it. I saw trinity coming at me. A Railcannon bullet
pierced the ground 34cm away from her and the impact threw her off the ground.
She almost got stepped on by a 115m heavy artillery mecha; you know the ones
from FKR-3000 series that are like a copper-red walking fortress. I didn’t know
whether I should be happy or sad or what. There was this weight of the whole
universe making my legs go numb.
single action which means an interaction with the universe has an eternal
effect on everything. Just come on……everything. Just…plz, someone make me a
dumb bitch. A soldier in a massive Exoskeleton came running at me firing his
plasma gun. He was vaguely aiming at the 2 Exos behind me. I barely dodged his
plasma balls. These Exos too use a lot of melee weapons. I must say that they
are new age knights with guns and I slowly understanding why.
our evolution, everything became more and more subtle. Our bodies became
weaker, but we became the most destructive. Thousands if not hundred thousand
war epics happening in front of my senses at various levels spoke of our
evolution better than anything. Everything is getting mixed into our daily
lives. The leaders, the economy, the war… there has been such a lot happening
around me. Through our evolution, better and wicked ways were created. The real
war, the real economy is invisible. The multicolored mechas running havoc is
just fan servicing wrapped around my senses.
Railcannon killed one of the Exos as collateral damage. What a gun it was! It
was the massive shotgun version of the Railgun. The ammo was a complexly
magnetized metal. When propelled, an electric current is sent through the ammo
which screws around the stabilized system of electro magnets. The huge ammo
dissects into multiple parts and acts as a hundred smaller Railguns. It’s an
idea ripped off from the cluster bombs.
just some trivia. There are specific kinds of wave generators commonly referred
to as “Deprams”. They are used to mess with the brain functions of the
soldiers. It’s a very trendy gadget of the times. Every mecha has at least a
weak one constantly working against the opponents. This isn’t even 2% of the
madness and atrocities I can see. All of this is haunting me. Our real war is
not what we see. The real war is a psychological one. We don’t want the
physical world to be torn apart. Therefore everything is incorporated into our
lives. Our great depression is our lives itself. Our demons lies in the waves
around us…as information; bits, qubits, brainwaves……all just our own creations.
barely dodged her punch. I ran and stepped on a Exoskeleton and jumped back.
She did the same. We kicked each other onto the ground. An Exoskeleton fell on
Trinity’s legs. She had her armor. But on her expression I could see that it
hurt a bit. I managed to get up. This was a good opening. I knew she is pissed.
I knew that odds were stacked against me. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings
again. She was in the fight for entertainment; But not anymore. I was
desperate. There were only 700-800ms to take a decision. I did what I had to
do. I charged at her.
grabbed the 32kg mini-Railgun from the Exo-suited soldier and fired at me. The
recoil made the gun hit her chin. I had already observed the stats about this
SHANGRU-42 (rapid-fire) version she used. I managed to jump away, but onto a
big brawl beside me. The Railgun ammo went so closely by my eyes that I felt
like I was hit with a flash bang. I have never been hit with a one before. But
I had observed more than sufficient data to simulate the experience.
my eyes tightly closed I observed the world like never before. I was picking up
every wave and was observing the world almost like from a 6th sense.
But I know it wasn’t any stereotypical 6th sense. It’s something I
had proposed to call direct perception. Though I had my eyes closed I observed
Trinity standing up and coming at me with a piece of metal on her hands. One
Exo knelt with a hard hit it received. I had fallen in between two fighters
fighting with Vibrahammers. The heads of the hammers vibrate in a self-adjusted
dynamic frequency that adjusts with the composition of the opponent to
breakdown the opponent.
cam in her shaking legs and attacked me and I countered. The victor of the
previous battle I mentioned attacked another opponent while jumping into the
air an got shattered in a way that is almost identical to getting vaporized by
a Tri-Zeta AAA Railgun ammo which was intended for a 145m tall emerald and gold
colored Heraclitus 9z mecha fired by a white and aqua blue 167m tall
Neo-Genesis prototype mecha which has a hybrid design of an assault mecha and a
fortress mecha and piloted by 6 ace pilots. And of course the ammo went through
3 skyscrapers of architectural excellence before piercing the ground with a shockwave.

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