Then I felt some more
weight over me… all around me. The whole floor was shaking. Standing still
meant running around like a drunkard. The quake was so violent that I felt my
legs going numb. I wanted to surrender to the collapsing marvel yet my destiny
stopped me from doing so. Why did I even decide this destiny for myself? I
wanted to be broken apart before I reach the end.

control and surrendering to destiny was such a comfort. My laments for the dead
felt nothing more than an icon indicating an environmental hazard. The quake
died down and I slowly walked away like a dragon leaving a massacred arena.
Letting go of the scythe-No-nooo-God…damn it. Pick it up…..[Exhales]….. Nope.
It’s dumb, but for some reason… no scythe. Where do I see the ……yeah, the time
traveling future seeing stuff. Maybe déjà vu.
But…what if it’s
I saw a phantom-two of
them getting red. They knew-I knew that I’m closing on a great revelation. I
stepped back and turned round and round like a lone protagonist awaken in a freshly
deconstructed hyper-utopia as I realized that I had crossed the holy line of
human awareness. I stepped on the land of God(‘s) or maybe its master’s soil. I
almost realized all that is about destiny. It made me feel so small, fragile and valueless. Maybe it’s not me but my destiny.

I self-imposed my destiny to be Engkami, I didn’t meant it in this way or this
quick. All I needed was the purgation from my-No!NO!!.......SHUT up. Shut the
hell up!!! I don’t want a backdoor to divinity. Do you think people mean it when
they say that they want to be billionaires overnight?? Get REAL. I don’t want
to end the franchise right here. I even
wondered whether I’d be able to see the end! F*** enlightenment. F*** total
comprehension. I don’t know a s**t about them. I want to invent god; not to wake up as a one. I WANT SURVIVAL GAME.
That’s when I got hit on the
face. Now it’s all gone away. Damn this feels good. I need to play by the
rules. You know……like Newton and Einstein. The spear like rod sank to the
ground while I dodged it and tackled the bitch who punched me. We were both on
ground dipping in each other’s eyes and she was smirking. It is kind of nice to
wake up from a dream of heaven because of your brawling brother and know you
still have your average American family.
Then I heard; I saw choppers flying over me
there was a weird 2ft. tall monkey like creature looking at me. It was
interested in me. A photograph of a similar animal was taken on 2003. I saw it
on a book about aliens. Then it ran away; scared. Some black ops guys ran after
it. Well…actually they looked like some ghost squad from 2025 or something. My
pain had reduc…. Wait! I’m in New York. Well um…mnnn… I…I..llost momentum.
Anybody now the feeling of getting stretched and used to something big (monster sized) in between your legs. Feels a
bit relaxing. Yeah, step by step. Let them keep guessing.
What the….. I
think I fainted. No. I feel such a nice breeze. I know that’s just too much
representation of the aplomb wind. But……. Let’s just master this level. Damn
she is fast. I’m barely dodging her. I can see all her moves, strats and
everything but…the gal is too fast. I tried blocking few punches. They
shouldn’t do much more than cracking a brick wall; not breaking.
The duel was all hand to
hand. I did showed off my skills with tools and gadgets but I myself felt like
I should know how to manage without them. I’m barely keeping up with this
chick. Wait I said chick; not bitch. The girl is like a Lara Croft with 70% of
the skin covered. For her mentality, I only saw playfulness. She always had
this cute and intoxicated smirk on her face with her copper colored hair
dangling all around like a plant under a heavy storm. I lost track of my own
emotions while I was dipping in hers. No wonder why people don’t know who they
truly are. They are always staring at others!

I felt things
getting more……human. I felt that this is gonna take some time. This girl has
expressions. She is not the ass-kicking monster. With her hands on her hips she
said “haven’t you heard of this cliché?” while twisting her tongue. Sexy…she
should be full of juices. But then I was like “what!!?”
“Oh! Honey, you can see everything. But…..
can you keep up with everything? Hmmm….. do I hit any memory cells?”
I sighed. I think I had
fainted on the park. There was no pain anymore. I was completely numb. My eyes
were open but I couldn’t really move my body. I felt getting dragged; into
another dream. Really…what’s the big difference between this and the other
one##? My effort felt like an effort to move a dead body. I’m scared…. Scared
…………. Scared ………………………………
“Come on. You had a
life, right? I mean at least an anime for teens…. This cliché…you don’t get
Now what the heck is she talking about? I
thought this was about my destiny. I have lost grip of the Central York. No, it
was a different name. I wouldn’t be going there, would I? It’s all about what’s
ahead, right? I don’t want to look back.
“Damn. Why don’t you
accept yourself as the being you are!!!”
This bitch kicked me in the
tummy. A huge spaceship like thing came crashing down. Why didn’t I pay any
attention to the sky or the far horizon?!? I got my second kick in the tummy
when I realized that sh*t gets real now. A comfortable portion of my
rationality was working. I knew that I had to survive to see the marvel of a
high-tech battlefield. If you enjoy seeing Godzilla, you neither run nor stand
I started
countering this bitch. My stomach was feeling really bad. But I held on. I
wanted to see the glorious war. To see it, I have to survive. If you love
seeing Godzilla, move and engage in action. I have to be kicking ass or else
I’m gonna die because of getting distracted by war.
felt like asking her name. WTF is happening to me?!....... And suddenly she
says “Trinity…. It’s Trinity. That’s my name” and twists her tongue. This
pissed me off. The bitch is playing games with me! I can’t focus well enough to
read her deep within. A 50ft tall mecha flew over our heads breaking the whole
tower behind me. The mecha got blown away into pieces. I used this Trinity
chick as a shield and also punched her in the nose.
I must say that her warrior looking outfit
wasn’t just for the show. It can do a lot more than acting as an armor against
mu punches and kicks. Well… she did spit some blood after the huge piece of
metal and explosive ammo hit her on the back. I knew that this is a great
opening for me. I punched her more. Right before I deliver a hard kick on her
face, I saw a childish expression on her. She was like “ I didn’t kicked you I
the face when I had the chance. Why are you getting advantage of the situation
like this?”
Pretty childish. But I stung my very existence.
The context is just like what it was with the samurais. But this is hard. I
feel that my destiny is not a roller-coaster ride anymore. All will be well, but would I be well after doing all this? I felt
the weight of interacting with sentience. It’s not a simple “I will be evolved
to the next level by the time I beat the crap out of her” anymore.
Then I started seeing the effects of my
actions. She used to fight like the water. There was a magnificent flow. Every
move she made felt like a part of a one big combo. She looked very teasing and
playful. But now she looks at me like a pissed off child with her red eyes. She
charged at me and started fighting me with a passion and purpose. She had lost
all her beautiful dance like flow. Her moves became quick and subtle. She was
becoming more and more like the burning fire.
I am now
witnessing the metamorphic impact of my actions. Sure I create reality using
the input of my senses. But that doesn’t make me the owner of reality. I was
too gung-ho thinking deluding that I’ve uncovered the knowledge for mastering
the universe. But it turns out that my destiny is not the only one out there.
The ground was already
shaking. But it got really violent as we charged at each other for a special
attack. Two 150m tall mechas came at 340km/h and made their own special attack
simultaneously with ours. I almost felt those mechas to be a surreal
allegorical representation of us. But it was very real. It’s true that those
blue and white mechs were too elegant for war machines. But the shockwave of
their elector-charged behemoth swords and AG-shields clashing together sent us
flying like candy wrappers.
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