When Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara practised the deep
Prajnaparamita, he saw that the five skandhas were empty; thus he overcame all
ills and suffering.
"O Sariputra! Form does not differ from the void, and the
void does not differ from the form. Form is the void, and the void is form. The
same is true for feelings, conceptions, impulses and consciousness.
O Sariputra, the characteristics of the void is not created,
not annihilated, not impure, not pure, not increasing, not decreasing.
Therefore, in the void there are no forms and no feelings,
conceptions, impulses and no consciousness: there is no eye, ear, nose, tongue,
body or mind; there is no form, sound, smell, taste, touch or idea; no eye
elements, until we come to no elements of consciousness; no ignorance and also
no ending of ignorance, until we come to no old age and death; and no ending of
old age and death.
Also, there is no truth of suffering, of the cause of
suffering, of the cessation of suffering or of the path. There is no wisdom,
and there is no attainment whatsoever. Because there is nothing to be attained,
a Bodhisattva relying on Prajnaparamita has no obstruction in his heart.
Because there is no obstruction he has no fear, and he passes far beyond all
confused imagination and reaches Ultimate Nirvana.
All Buddhas in the past, present and future have attained
Supreme Enlightenment by relying on the Prajnaparamita. Therefore we know that
the Prajnaparamita is the great magic Mantra, the great Mantra of illumination,
it is the supreme Mantra, the unequaled Mantra which can truly wipe out all
suffering without fail."
Therefore, he uttered the Prajnaparamita mantra, by saying:
"Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasemgate Bodhi-svaha!"
Sariputra is the one Buddha appointed as the wisest sentient
being in the contemporary time (when Buddha is excluded from the ranking). It’s
okay even if you don’t get a single thing. I also found a commentary here. I recommend not using it unless you are not familiar with the
words. What is necessary is your own personal realization. Other people’s
commentaries don’t really matter and sometimes they become your greatest

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